About me

My name is Jimmy and this blog encompasses all the details of my gig going life. It will cover reviews of the 1300 gigs, 600 venues (including over 200 in Manchester) and 1800 bands I have encountered as I have retained a record of every single one. 

I have just turned 50 and recently moved to Manchester from Preston and appear to be attending increasing numbers of gigs the older I get.  My friends, family, work colleagues and especially my wife Gill have either been entertained or simply tolerated my endless tales of numbers of venues/gigs attended and have actively encouraged me for a sustained period of time to devise a blog on my lifetime of gig exploits. 

What finally inspired me to boot one up was a feature by Steve Lamacq on 6 music detailing punters who have attended 50 gigs in their 50th year and I thought by heck he is talking about me! Big thanks goes out to Dave Bloom in assisting me in setting up this site as I would not have known where to start.

What will follow is an aural compendium of tinnitus with a regular blog that hopefully you will find of some interest.

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